I have a lot of new good stories! I will update soon!


I never thought I could have my own house as early as 27 years old. It feels amaziiing.
Well, it was first paid by dad, but he said I could assume the house, I just need to pay for the equity so that the keys will be turnover to us.
And izzsoo much coincidence that, at that time, I received a huge pay from my job that I can pay for the equity and buy few appliances for my home. I did, a little bit, overbought some things... hahahahah.
I am just super grateful with my parents, they are veryyyy supportive on my
"moving out" from their house. Hahahhaha, because, you see, I am already 27 years old at that time and I still don't have plans on settling down and no real assets, too, and my job just teasing me. haha So they are just encouraging me to stand on my own. Anyway, I was too busy at that time to oversee the final repairs, my work was just too much demanding plus school requirements, yet, they made it sure that I can have a comfortable kitchen and a parking space for my motorcyle, they were there, managing the repairs, even buying snacks for the repairman!

After a month or so, I transferred to my little home with my bb boi, Nivvy, and my newly adopted cat, Lexi!

Me, as a paranoid cat mom, I just cannot let them play outside, especially that we are very new to the community. So, they're just inside the house, running around, parcour! Playing (Ahem, destroying, haha) around. And here's what I am ALWAYS looking forward after work...
There they are... waiting for me by the windows... and when I open my front door, they're waiting for me to play with them...
It was really comforting living alone, with my babies. The peace of mind, you can buy and eat the things you want. You can clean your room whenever you want. hahaah and the comforting feeling of you can just sleep whenever you want... maybe, sometimes. hahaha my babies tend to play at 4 o'clock in the morning, worst than your mother yelling at you when you don't wake up at 6AM. hahahhahahahhaha

to be cont...